Mutants Genetic Evolution Wiki

Minotaurus is a Zodiac Zoan-Arsenal mutant. This mutant was obtainable by buying it in shop for 3000 Platinums or by winning it in its Zodiac odyssey challenge during 16th May to 21st June.


Like his name implied, appears to be a Minotaur equipped with full body armor making him resemble a robot, his hands are equipped with a pair of metal gauntlets which the left gauntlet attached to a large axe while the right one is attached to a large flail. His body seems to emit fiery aura.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Life: Juggernaut
  • Speed: Slow


Zoan Fiery Charge[1]

  • Damage: 960
  • Upgrade: Upgrade 1380

Arsenal Despotic Hits[2]

  • Damage: 960
  • Upgrade: Upgrade 1380

Trainable Attacks[]

  • Zoan Power of Hecatonchires[3]
  • Arsenal Bane of Theseus[4]
  • Undead Hades' Necromancy[5]
  • Mecha Hephaestus' Fire[6]

Attack Descriptions[]

  1. Minotaurus ignites himself in flame then he rams his target multiple times.
  2. Minotaurus hits his target with his axe 3 times before hitting them again with his flail so hard to the point the flail destroyed upon impact.
  3. Minotaurus lifts a large portion of the ground and throws it to the air, before the ground portion hit the ground he rams it at the target causing it to be destroyed upon impact.
  4. Minotaurus ignites his axe and flail, then he smashes his target with his ignited weapons, causing a fiery explosion.
  5. Minotaurus skeletonizes himself, reassembles his bones into a giant scythe and attacks the target.
  6. Minotaurus launches 2 fireballs from his power reactor like part of his armor, the fireballs explodes upon contact with the target.


Slain by Theseus during his quest inside the labyrinth, the soul of Minotaurus swore vengeance on his killer but his demand wasn't listened by the ruler of the Underworld himself causing his vengeance never come to pass and he was left rotten in the depth of the Underworld for millenias. However in recent history the Minotaurus came back to life thanks to the other unknown entity which called themselves the Dark Hand, the entity granted the Minotaurus new powers and a chance to have his revenge on Theseus in exchange of his servitude to them. Stronger and deadlier than ever the Minotaurus ready to unleash his flaming rage and vengeance upon his killer and the entire arena of mutant under his new master's command.


  • TBA


Skin List[]

  • Lobotomized (Default)
  • Brazen Bull
  • The Prisoner
  • Guardian of Olympus